Awards and Recognitions

The Edge Billion Ringgit Club recognised and awarded Rimbunan Sawit Berhad the best performing stock company under plantation category in Year 2012, a prestigious award in recognition of its overall commitment to its stakeholders.

RSB Managing Director, Mr Tiong Chiong Ong was awarded IPO HRD Leadership Award by OUM at the 9th IPO-OUM Awards Ceremony in September Year 2013 in recognition of his exemplary leadership and outstanding contribution to the promotion of human capital development effort in the plantation industry.

The group of qualified RSB employees graduated at IPO-OUM Awards Ceremony proves that RSB is on par with other industries in terms of promoting staff education and commitment to promoting lifelong learning.

ISO 9001:2015 Certification – Malaysia Standard, awarded to R.H. Plantation Sdn. Bhd. - Palm Oil Mill (153619-A) for Processing of Fresh Fruit Bunches(FFB), Extraction of Crude Palm Oil(CPO) & Recovery of Palm Kernel(PK)